
Embrace your Holistic Healing potential for Physical and Emotional Transformation

We specialize in transformative healing sessions tailored to your emotional and physical well-being, integrating Reiki, channeling, and guided meditation to facilitate deep healing from your subconscious.

Our sessions are designed to help you achieve a revitalized energy flow, clarity and balance, fostering deep relaxation, and inner peace. Whether you’re seeking stress relief, physical healing, emotional well-being, or spiritual growth, we’re dedicated to guiding you on your unique healing journey.

As your healing companion, we support you every step of the way on your path of self-discovery. Together, let’s cultivate holistic well-being and manifest the true happiness you deserve.

Reiki (靈氣) is a powerful and ancient healing technique that originated in Japan, founded by Mikao Usui.

The character for ‘Rei: 靈’ originally comes from ancient Chinese script, depicting the imagery of blessings from the heavens falling like rain. It represents the divine power (heaven’s blessings), expressed as rain, with the addition of a shaman (one who presides over ceremonies and conveys divine messages), resulting in the creation of the character ‘Rei: 靈.’

As for ‘Ki: 氣,’ the character symbolizes the emission of energy in all directions, resembling the radiance of energy.

In essence, ‘Reiki: 靈氣’ signifies a divine, high-dimensional waveform within the cosmic energy. It represents a sacred and spiritual dimension of universal energy.

Reiki, this gentle yet potent form of energy healing, helps revitalize, rejuvenate, and align imbalanced, stagnant, or blocked energy within you, both physically and emotionally, leading you back to your innate energetic state.

With deep-rooted belief and years of experience, we offer transformative Reiki sessions designed to dissolve the blockages hindering your true essence. Through Reiki with personalized counseling and intuitive channeling, we clear away stagnant energy blockages and infuse vitality back into your being.

Our holistic approach embraces the natural flow of energy within you, empowering you to realign with your authentic self and reclaim your inner balance. By fostering a harmonious connection between mind, body, and spirit, our sessions promote holistic wellness that transcends dependency on external factors.

Physical Benefits: Promotes relaxation and stress reduction/ Enhances the body’s natural healing ability/ Alleviates physical tension and discomfort/ Supports pain management and relief/ Boosts immune system function/ Improves sleep quality and duration/ Facilitates pain relief…

Mental Benefits: Reduces anxiety and promotes calmness/ Relieves symptoms of depression/ Releases emotional traumas/ Increases mental clarity and focus/ Enhances emotional well-being and resilience/ Encourages a positive outlook on life/ Facilitates emotional release and healing

We also offer a free 20-minute consultation. Please feel free to contact.

Aya Kono
Your Reiki Master | Holistic Healer

Thank you for being here; it’s truly a pleasure to connect with you. My name is Aya, and I am based in the beautiful city of Long Beach, California, originally hailing from Japan.

Reflecting on my childhood, I recall moments where I sensed a deeper connection to the spiritual realm, yet I kept this ability hidden, feeling overwhelmed.

A transformative experience with Ayahuasca, a traditional Peruvian shamanic ceremony, back in 2013, reopened my spiritual connection. It was in that same year that I became a Reiki Master.

For over 15 years, I pursued a career as a graphic designer, until a profound spiritual awakening shifted my path towards becoming a healer.

This awakening occurred during a period of intense turmoil in my life; I was suffering from a nervous breakdown as everything seemed to be falling apart—work, finances, love life, and relationships… But! rather than giving up, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and healing.

Understanding the importance of healing my soul and living as my true self with my genuine energy, I began to see positive changes in my life. Work improved, finances stabilized, and I even found my soulmate.

Healing is a beautiful journey that begins the moment you feel the desire to improve something within yourself. When you sense that something is off, it’s a call from your soul to pause and realign.

I deeply believe that true happiness begins with nurturing and healing the soul and energy. Through self-awareness, healing, and releasing emotional wounds, we rediscover our authentic selves and experience joy.

Reiki is a great tool utilizing a divine energy that helps you to transform and maintain total wellness, both mentally and physically.

We are all souls, all energy. Everything lies within you. I am here to guide you on your healing journey, awakening your true self and the boundless love and joy within.

If you feel drawn to embark on this path, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I look forward to the opportunity to connect with your beautiful soul.

Love & Light,

Reiki Master License (Usui Reiki)
Crystal Healer License
BFA Communication Design: Parsons School of Design

*For design and other inquiries, please feel free to reach out to me*

In my role as a designer, I graduated from Parsons School of Design in New York and initially worked as a graphic designer. I have contributed to projects such as apparel design for the Obama presidential campaign and design initiatives for companies disseminating trends in over 80 countries worldwide. Later, I founded my own original brand using beloved African fabrics. Currently, I am engaged in handmade creations, graphic design, and branding.
